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Ancient Woodland Indicators, Wood Sorrel, Herb Paris and Bluebell by Jo Stephen


Dorset Environmental Records Centre was established in 1976 as an independent organisation to collate information on all of Dorset’s wildlife. It provides an opportunity for local naturalists and conservation organisations to work together. By combining our knowledge we can create a better picture of Dorset’s wildlife – both the recent decline and loss of some of our more spectacular species, like the mouse-eared bat, and the arrival and spread of others like the Long-winged Conehead and Japanese knotweed. DERC encourages the use of Living Record as an online recording system for Dorset but we also welcome records through local recording groups or data provided on recording forms or Excel spreadsheets.

Data held by DERC is accessible to everyone* from students and local residents to local authorities, conservation organisations and consultants. DERC do not charge for data, but we do make a charge to help cover our administration costs. Please contact us for more information.

*Some information is confidential, either due to the sensitivity of the site, rarity of wildlife or because the recorder requested it.